Files: cDNA_directional.csv.tar.gz cDNA_forward.csv.tar.gz cDNA_directional.csv.tar.gz: File of comma-separated values in the order: 1. cDNA ID 2. Chromosome 3. Chromosome start position 4. Chromosome end position 5. Strand direction 6. Sequence from chromosome start (3., inclusive) to chromosome end (4., inclusive) * NOTE: sequence for - strands are given as the reverse compliment of the + strand cDNA_forward.csv.tar.gz: File of comma-separated values in the order: 1. cDNA ID 2. Chromosome 3. Chromosome start position 4. Chromosome end position 5. Strand direction 6. Sequence from chromosome start (3., inclusive) to chromosome end (4., inclusive) * NOTE: sequence for both + and - strands are the sequence of the + strand