Files related to the MAKER-P annoation of the maize reference assembly B73 RefGen_v3. Files: 1-10.Zea_mays.AGPv3.21.dna.chromosome.fa.gz - Sequence for the B73 v3 reference genome, chromosome pseudomolecules only. Provisional 5b+ models.docx - Word document listing provisional gene models Supp_Table2_5b+_provisional_models - Text file containing provisional gene models Zea_mays.AGPv3.21.6a.gff.gz - GFF for annotation Zea_mays.AGPv3.21.ncRNA.gff - GFF for ncRNA gene models ZmayPseudogenes_updated.gff - GFF for pseudogenes Reference: Automated Update, Revision, and Quality Control of the Maize Genome Annotations Using MAKER-P Improves the B73 RefGen_v3 Gene Models and Identifies New Genes MeiYee Law, Kevin L. Childs, Michael S. Campbell, Joshua C. Stein, Andrew J. Olson, Carson Holt, Nicholas Panchy, Jikai Lei, Dian Jiao, Carson M. Andorf, Carolyn J. Lawrence, Doreen Ware, Shin-Han Shiu, Yanni Sun, Ning Jiang, and Mark Yandell Plant Physiology, January 2015, Vol. 167, pp. 25–39 DOI: 10.1104/pp.114.245027