Data files pertaining to the working gene set for the maize reference assembly RefGen_B73_v2, 5a.59. File: ZmB73_5a.59_WGS.gff - GFF for the Working Gene Set 5a.59 (from ZmB73_5a.59_working.cdna.fasta.gz - cDNA sequence for the working gene set 5a.59 ZmB73_5a.59_working.cds.fasta.gz - cds sequence for the working gene set 5a.59 ZmB73_5a.59_working.genes.fasta.gz - genomic sequence for the working gene set 5a.59 ZmB73_5a.59_working.pre_mrna.fasta.gz - pre-mRNA sequence for the working gene set 5a.59 ZmB73_5a.59_working.translations.fasta.gz - translations for the working gene set 5a.59 Change history: 03/11/20 - changed chromosome names to meet MaizeGDB naming rules.