Metadata for assembly Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0 Project: DK105 Genome Assembly - Technical University of Munich BioProject: PRJNA360923 The enormous diversity of maize is reflected by a large number of SNPs and substantial structural variation. To remedy the scarcity of sequence resources for the Flint pool, a reference sequence was generated de novo from inbred line DK105. DK105 is an inbred line obtained from the German Flint landrace 'Gelber Badischer Landmais'. The DK105 reference sequence complements the maize pan-genome with European Flint diversity. More information: BioSample: SAMN10081784 Assembly and sequencing: Assembly methods: NRGene DeNovoMAGIC-3.0
Construction of pseudomolecules: Yes Sequencing technologies: Illumina technologies Publication: Flint sequences complement the maize pan-genome E. Bauer, G. Haberer, M.A. Seidel, K. Baruch, M. Spannagl, K.F.X. Mayer, C.-C. Schön