Download files for the CIMBL55 aseembly project Release: Jan 9, 2023 (GenBank), May 2nd, 2023 (MaizeGDB) Zm-CIMBL33-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0.fa.gz - complete genome sequence Zm-CIMBL55-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0_Zm00067a.1.gff3 - annotation GFF Zm-CIMBL33-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0_Zm00067a.cds.fa.gz - annotation CDS FASTA Zm-CIMBL33-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0_Zm00067a.protein.fa.gz - annotation protein FASTA Note that the assembly sequence has been improved (Zm-CIMBL33-REFERENCE-CAU-2.0), but was not reannotated. The annotation data here is current. Known errors in this data include 392 non-standard transcript and protein names (more or fewer digits that the expect 3 after _T or _P), and errors in Zm-CIMBL55-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0.fa and Zm-CIMBL55-REFERENCE-CAU-1.0_Zm00067a.1.protein.fa prevent constructing faidx indices.