All original files were downloaded from and renamed with the prefix "Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0" and the suffixes of each fasta name in the original protein fasta file was edited from _Tddd to _Pddd. The file Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0_Zm00016a.1.gff was subsequently edited to correctly format the chromosome IDs and renamed Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0_Zm00016a.1_mw1.gff. The original genomic fasta file GCA_003704525.1_Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0_genomic.fna.gz downloaded from NCBI at was reformatted so the the chromosome IDs were corrected and renamed Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0.fa. From genomic fasta file and the gff file, fasta files of gene models were generated using bedtools getfasta, resulting in the file Zm-DK105-REFERENCE-TUM-1.0_Zm00016a.1.genes.fa.