Files for assembly Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 Files: Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1._association.txt Generated on 17-Dec-2017 by Maggie Woodhouse, MaizeGDB, using CoGe SynMap, with the following parameters: #CDS/CDS #Megablast, 0.001 e-value #Maximum distance between two matches (-D): 20 genes #Minimum number of aligned pairs (-A): 3 genes #QuotaAlign 1:1 Only associations that share the same chromosome are selected. For instance, if a GRMZM gene is on Chromosome 3 and its putative W22 syntelog is on Chromosome 1, the association is not included. Cases where the W22 gene annotation is merged or split is noted in Column 3. In such cases either the GRMZM or the W22 gene has two genes in the column. For instance, if the W22 gene is split relative to its GRMZM counterpart, the split genes are both represented in the W22 column. W22.allTE.withSolo_10Jan18.gff3.gz Contains transposable elements annotated on W22 Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.cdna.fa.gz cDNA sequence for annotation Zm00004b for assembly Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.cds.fa.gz CDS sequence for annotation Zm00004b for assembly Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.gene.fa.gz Genomic sequence for annotation Zm00004b for assembly Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.gff3 zea_maysw22_core_53_87_12.gff (Josh Stein, Gramene) --> Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0.gff --> Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.gff3 Annotations on unplaced scaffolds with the designation "10000001" were replaced with the scaffold ID from the file Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.protein.fa.gz Protein sequence for annotation Zm00004b for assembly Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0.fa.gz Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 pseudomolecule sequence with all unplaced scaffolds in "unmapped". Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0.chr_scaffolds.fa.gz Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 pseudomolecule sequence with individual scaffolds Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0_Zm00004b.1.chr_scaffolds.gff3.gz Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 annotation placed on individual scaffolds. Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0.scaffolds.fa.gz All scaffolds in the Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0 genome assembly, no psuedomolecules NOTE: Unable to create index files for Zm-W22-REFERENCE-NRGENE-2.0.fa due to an error in the FASTA file.